You’ve retired. Should your money stop working too? There are still investment opportunities to enhance your financial plans.
Protect yourself from capital erosion
During this time in your life you rely on the investments you’ve accumulated during your working years. But you still need to protect your capital and counter the effects of inflation.
There are always opportunities for financial growth
Consult your adviser to find innovative ways to balance your need to keep growing your investment against your lifestyle requirements during your retirement.

Unit Trusts
Unit trusts are relatively low risk and simple to understand, needing a small investment amount and providing a safe haven for your money, even during retirement.
Tax-Free Savings Account
As you begin to wind down in your retirement years you’ll enjoy this investment, because it has no monthly fee, doesn’t charge Capital Gains Tax and it doesn’t charge any tax on your interest earned.
Absa Retirement Annuity Fund
It’s never too late to start planning for your retirement. With the Retirement Annuity Fund you’ll get a versatile and tax-effective channel to help you do just that.

Need help picking a fund?
Answer a few simple questions and let our Virtual Investor tool find you an investment solution based on your risk profile. If you like what you see, you can just apply online. It’s that easy.