Time moves quicker than you think. Have you planned enough? Now is the time to start planning for retirement and a realistic assessment of where you need to be.
Adjust your plan to suit your goals
So retirement is a few years away and you feel a little behind in terms of your investment performance. By tweaking your current spending and investing habits, you could fix any shortfall you are currently experiencing.
Protect your accumulated wealth and grow your investments
The older you get the more cautious your investment choices become. But that doesn’t mean you should become so cautious that you miss out on opportunities to make great gains. Our investment teams understand the importance of asset allocation and are able to provide the investment solutions that will give you a good combination of capital protection and investment growth.

Invest in quality products, funds and most of all, yourself
Your greatest asset is your earning ability and our job is to help you make most of this ability.
Absa Retirement Annuity Fund
It’s always a good time to start planning for your retirement. With the Retirement Annuity Fund you’ll get a versatile and taxeffective channel to help you do just that.
Preservation Funds
This fund will help you preserve your retirement savings, from an existing pension or provident fund, if you move between employers or are retrenched.
Unit Trusts
Unit trusts are relatively low risk and simple to understand, needing a small investment amount from you as you plan your future.

Need help picking a fund?
Answer a few simple questions and let our Virtual Investor tool find you an investment solution based on your risk profile. If you like what you see, you can just apply online. It’s that easy.