These funds are designed to preserve your savings and tax-deduction benefits previously earned by investing in other pension or provident funds.
What is a preservation fund?
A flexible and cost-effective product that provides you with a reliable and transparent way to ensure greater financial independence at retirement age.
What can a preservation fund do for you?
The reality is that human temptation gets the better of many, once the lump sum payout from an annuity or other investment becomes available. The worst thing possible is to spend it in the hope of future recovery. Absa Investments' preservation funds help secure your future – and grow your invested capital.
What does a preservation fund cost?
Annual fees are calculated on the market value of the units held in the fund. Financial adviser initial and annual review fees are negotiable between you and your chosen financial adviser.
Ready to invest?
1. Download our investment application form.
2. Complete the form and gather the required documentation.
3. Fax the documents to 0861 339 265 or email them to
View the terms and conditions.