South African markets and the JSE represent only 1% of the total global equity market. Looking beyond our borders offers benefits in terms of diversity and returns.
Diversifying your currency and geographic exposure gives you many more risk and return options in pursuing your investment goals.
What are offshore investments?
Offshore investments are a range of products or funds that provide you with an opportunity to reduce your investment risk by accessing a broader range of investment prospects. The South African Reserve Bank allows you to invest up to R11 million a year in direct offshore investments.
What can it do for me?
International investments are often viewed as an additional asset class that can provide you with an important source of diversification from a geographic and currency perspective. Having all your eggs in one basket is never ideal – and that includes countries.
Investment option
You can choose to make use of your allocated exchange control allowance or invest via rand-denominated investments such as endowments, Unit Trusts and exchange-traded funds. These have distinct advantages, although rand-denominated investments do not have a cap as to the amount that you can invest.
Offshore Unit Trusts
Gain exposure to global markets through a range of offshore Unit Trust funds with our global partner.
Offshore Investment Account
Gain exposure to global markets with a structured offshore investment product.