Whether you choose to relax or reinvent, a growth investment strategy is essential for your retirement portfolio. Ideally, you want to beat the negative impact of inflation on your invested capital.

Your asset allocation or investment mix should reflect a balance between fixed-income and growth investments.

What are retirement investments for growth?

These are products intended to ensure long-term growth of your portfolio in sustained – allowing for real capital gains against inflation. By allocating a portion of your portfolio to a growth strategy you ensure that you are able to effectively deal with rising living costs, including healthcare and other unexpected expenses.

Manage your lifetsyle

By reinvesting a portion of your capital you effectively combat rising costs


Grow your returns

Post-retirement returns are often higher than pre-retirement performance


Build your estate

If your capital grows you increase the wealth that is left behind for your heirs


What can it do for me?

Pending your appetite for risk, Absa Investment Management’s retirement products can yield significant returns and help provide for a dignified, enjoyable retirement. We suggest speaking with your financial adviser to help you decide on, and then maintain, the appropriate asset allocation needed to sustain your financial well-being.


Investment options

The Absa Retirement Annuity Fund and Core Retirement Annuity are two options available you but you are certainly not limited to these products only. Your goals are what guides the mix of investments best suited to your circumstance – speak to an adviser for more options or browse below.



Absa Retirement Annuity Fund

A versatile and tax effective vehicle through which you can make the necessary provision for your retirement years. 

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Absa Core Retirement Annuity 

A uniquely designed low cost retirement annuity (“RA”) solution, based on the life stage investment philosophy.

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Do you have other reasons to invest?


You want to protect some or all of your invested capital 

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You are looking for guaranteed income or monthly dividends to be paid out

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You are looking to add offshore investments to your portfolio

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